06/06/08 Greenpeace- Apocalyptica rocks for climate action (en)

Cello metal band Apocalyptica joined Greenpeace’s call to mark World Environment Day, from the main
stage at Rock in Rio they let rip by playing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony to inspire G8 leaders to take action to stop climate change at the upcoming G8 summit in Japan.

At the main stage of Rock in Rio, Eicca Toppinen, leader of Apocalyptica, declared: "Apocalyptica has joined Greenpeace’s energy revolution. We ask all musicians and fans to sign the petition and
become energy revolutionaries, to help stop climate change and inspire world leaders at the G8 to adopt bright solutions for climate protection."

Dit, dit, dit, Da! Instantly recognisable, Beethoven’s Fifth provides the inspirational motif behind our musical call for climate action. According to research, the pattern of the Symphony’s notes helps our brains work better and promotes creative thinking.

"The message from Apocalyptica is loud, very loud, and clear. Join the energy [r]evolution, take action and tell world leaders to take action to protect the climate and the planet," said Oscar Soria of Greenpeace International.

Greenpeace wants musicians and festival fans to join an energy [r]evolution to save the climate. The energy [r]evolution petition is a symphony of climate action in five movements:

1. A global treaty that cuts greenhouse gas emissions by more than half by 2050;
2. Renewable energy supplying over half the world’s power by 2050;
3. Laws that dramatically improve global energy efficiency, from light
bulbs to automobiles;
4. Powering the world with as little coal as possible and no nuclear power;
5. End climate-destroying deforestation.


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