FOTO Minunata lume subacvatică, în alb și negru

Fotografia subacvatică oferă o privire asupra unei lumi pe care cei mai mulți dintre noi doar visăm să o explorăm. Anuar Patjane ne ajută să vedem, prin ochii lui, această lume fascinantă. ”Underwater Realm” este o serie de fotografii alb-negru minunate, cu rechini, balene și alte creaturi care-și duc viața în adâncurile apelor.

Patjane s-a scufundat pentru prima oară în Flekkefjord, Norvegia, când avea 17 ani. Se afla la un curs de inițiere, într-un costum de scufundat, iar marea extreme de rece a fost un adevărat șoc. ”Primul gând, când am sărit în acele ape reci, a fost că instructorul glumește, e pur și simplu imposibil. Dar după ce am încetat să simt frigul, a devenit o experiență incredibilă, a fost ca și cum aș fi descoperit o lume cu totul nouă”, povestește Patjane.

Artistul, care are acum 34 de ani, a petrecut cinci ani făcând fotografii pentru colecția Underwater Realm. Majoritatea fotografiilor au fost făcute pe coasta Mexicului, dar și în Cuba și în Clipperton Island, o insulă aflată la 1.500 de mile de Costa Rica. Acesta preferă fotografia alb-negru fiindcă îi permite să se focalizeze asupra contrastului dintre lumini și umbre și a interacțiunilor dintre linii și curbe.

El arrecife que habita bajo la plataforma Tiburón, en Tamiahua, México.

This was my first dive in Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, so I was a bit worried about how the Silky Sharks would treat us on the way back to the boat. All went well and I managed to get a few good photographs of those impressive animals that we usually irrationally fear.



Surrounded by a swarm of jack fish in Cabo Pulmo National Park, Mexico. Cabo Pulmo is the best example of a recovered reef in Mexican seas. A few years ago the fisherman of Cabo Pulmo fished all the reef to the point that fishing stopped being a way to sustain their households and life in the reef was obliterated. So they decided to totally stop fishing and few years latter the reef recovered to an astonishing level, and it is today the best example of what the Sea of Cortes used to be like

Images created during an expedition to explore the reefs surrounding Clipperton Island, 1200 km away from land.

Pet your shark

Diving with a humpback whale and her new born calf while they cruise around Roca Partida Island, in Revillagigedo, Mexico. This is an outstanding and unique place full of pelagic life so we need to accelerate the incorporation of this islands into UNESCO as natural heritage site in order to increase the protection of the islands against the prevailing ilegal fishing corporations and big game fishing.

The great white sharks from Guadalupe, México.

Surrounded by a swarm of jack fish in Cabo Pulmo National Park, Mexico. Cabo Pulmo is the best example of a recovered reef in Mexican seas. A few years ago the fisherman of Cabo Pulmo fished all the reef to the point that fishing stopped being a way to sustain their households and life in the reef was obliterated. So they decided to totally stop fishing and few years latter the reef recovered to an astonishing level, and it is today the best example of what the Sea of Cortes used to be like

Hide and Seek

Images created during an expedition to explore the reefs surrounding Clipperton Island, 1200 km away from land.

Diving with a humpback whale and her new born calf while they cruise around Roca Partida Island, in Revillagigedo, Mexico. This is an outstanding and unique place full of pelagic life so we need to accelerate the incorporation of this islands into UNESCO as natural heritage site in order to increase the protection of the islands against the prevailing ilegal fishing corporations and big game fishing.

Images created during an expedition to explore the reefs surrounding Clipperton Island, 1200 km away from land.


Surrounded by a swarm of jack fish in Cabo Pulmo National Park, Mexico. Cabo Pulmo is the best example of a recovered reef in Mexican seas. A few years ago the fisherman of Cabo Pulmo fished all the reef to the point that fishing stopped being a way to sustain their households and life in the reef was obliterated. So they decided to totally stop fishing and few years latter the reef recovered to an astonishing level, and it is today the best example of what the Sea of Cortes used to be like

The great white sharks from Guadalupe, México.

Sursă: Wired

Sursă foto: Anuar Patjane


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