Six Greenpeace activists dressed as cavemen and travelling in a Flintstones-style car were arrested before they could reach the European Parliament with their message that EU politicians must stop giving into the demands of the car lobby, and start standing up for the climate.
The „primitive parade” started from the headquarters of the European car lobby group ACEA at 10am. About half an hour later the parade was blocked by 20 police, 4 police vans and a police car. The flintstones and the road safety marshalls were arrested, nine people in total. They are still in custody. Police confiscated the car, and the stone tablet being delivered to the European Parliament.
"Our activists and their zero emission vehicle are raising the alarm about the influence
this dinosaur industry exercises over EU climate policy.The message that the car companies are driving climate change obviously isn’t one that’s welcome in some quarters, but it’s one that needs to be heard." said Melanie Francis, Greenpeace International transport campaigner.